30 Day Abs & Squat Challenge - Midpoint Update

 By Ally

So as you know, I recently started a 30 day abs & squat challenge. I am about halfway through the challenge now and have already started seeing results. Now this challenge isn't supposed to be some crazy fat burning and muscle building miracle. But I do see some significant differences in my muscle tone of my abs and quads. 

I initially went into the challenge thinking it would be easy, but I neglected how out of shape I really have gotten in quarantine. While I have actually lost weight throughout the pandemic, most of the weight I had lost was all my muscle mass. Because of this, the challenge has proved to be more difficult than I earlier anticipated. I have been able to complete each of the days workouts, but some of the days do leave me more out of breath than I would have liked. I have become more compelled to continue to workout after the challenge is over. 

What I did not realize and found very interesting about this challenge is that the last day is not necessarily the highest amount of each of the exercises throughout the whole challenge. For example on Day 12 I ended up doing 45 sit-ups which is more than the last day. I also found it interesting that the days do not necessarily increase, but both increase and decrease. On Day 13 I only did 5 of each of the exercises. I think the variety in the number keeps me motivated. I see the workout as less of a burden than if it were to increase the amount everyday. 

So far I have enjoyed my daily workouts. I have high hopes for the second half of the challenge. 


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